EpsilonRebar Sensor is a distributed fiber optic sensor (DFOS) based on SM or MM optical fiber.
It can be used with different interrogators based on Brilluoin, Raman and OFDR/OBR technology.
Composite EpsilonRebar sensor is the most precise tool to detect and locate scratches in concrete - even before they can be identified with naked eye!
The best results can be achieved wirth OFDR instruments like LUNA OBR4600 or LUNA ODISI system due to their high spatial resolution from 1 to 5 mm range. Anyway the advantage over typical sensing cables is clearly visible even with Brilluoin systems with spatial resolution of 20cm or half meter like FibrisTerre or Omnisens.
The EpsilonRebar is a robust solution and can be easily installed directly in concrete along existing steel rebars or in pals. Besides the EpsilonRebar can be made in version which can be used both as standard reinforsement and sensor in the same time.
Depending on technical demand the sensors can be made with much more elastic material to eliminate the reinforsement functionality which is useful in non concrete application like pipeline or land slide monitoring.

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